From Hackstrich
Revision as of 23:08, 13 March 2014 by SarahEmm (talk | contribs)

SROUTE is a digital audio distribution router. More details coming later on.

Project Status

  • 2013-10-14 - Ordered 2 PCBs from MyRO.
  • 2013-10-08 - Board completed and checklisted.
  • 2013-07-21 - Schematic completed and checklisted.
  • 2013-07-20 - RS232 and +5V rail implemented, still need to finish a bit of cleanup, add receive termination, test points, and any remaining diagnostic LEDs.
  • 2013-07-19 - Schematic thought to be feature-complete, Andrew reviewed. Remaining to be done: Receive termination on channels, RS232 port, +5V for KSEND, test points, diagnostic LEDs.
  • 2013-07-13 - Schematic/BOM work continues. Completed line driver/receiver, routing fabric, power, and logic, need to finish UI.
  • 2013-06-30 - Started putting schematic together.
  • 2013-06-29 - Initial design ideas.

System Architecture

  • 12 KSEND channels
  • 4 busses to chain SROUTE boards
  • 1 KSEND module on-board (optionally) to allow for channel monitoring
  • USB connectivity to PC for control (and a second connection to the onboard KSEND for audio)


  • G/Y LED for each port
  • 132x32 graphical LCD for status displays
    • Pushbutton to scroll through screens
  • RGB LED for "is everything okay" indication
  • KSEND jacks come out the front for line in/monitor
    • Pushbutton to turn on/off monitoring
    • LED to indicate if monitoring is on

Microcontroller Requirements

  • USB for control
  • SPI for communicating with KSEND
  • 4 * 16 = 64 I/Os to control muxes
  • ~6 pins to control display

Rev. 1 Issues

  • Tabs need to be all in one plane, having an L shape doesn't let you snap the board off
  • Tabs should be half as frequent
  • C39/40 on BOM as 0.1uF and 10uF on board, latter is right
  • LED2 footprint doesn't even come close to matching
  • LCD over the back of through-hole pins of the connector isn't ideal